Monday, January 23, 2012

a late-ish freewrite

I am totally disregarding freewriting suggestions because I feel rebelious today. Instead I would like to talk about something random that I actually want to talk about. I have an email buddy in Germany! (No Avi, she's not a nazi.) She'll be coming to WHS in April, and she's staying for three weeks. She's friends with my mom on facebook. I should probably get a facebook.

Her name is Lisa, and we email eachother every other day. Learning about another culture has made me want some aspects of it to be transfered here. Free college, for example. Or lots of castles, or lots of language program choices that start early in school, or a steady economy, or more soccer and less football. Probably all of the above.

I have never been out of the US. However, I'm working on getting a passport right now so that my family can go skiing in Canada over spring break (in April). April is going to be culture shock month for me. The day after my family gets back from Canada, Lisa comes over for Easter, which is also when all of our relatives come over. In the middle of the three week long exchange program my dad is flying to Paris for a business meeting . I hope he brings back fancy hotel shampoos... and french magazines... and maybe even chocolate or tea.

My dad travels a lot. Every time he goes to a fancy hotel I get some of the fancy soaps/ shampoos that he brings back. I haven't been able to use them up fast enough and I have an entire shoebox full, even though I donated some of them when the box started to overflow. That was random. Anyway, my dad is the main reason that I chose to take German in high school, because he recommended it based on his experience in high school. In case you aren't in the class (if you are a girl you're probably not, I'm a rare exception) it is not about the world wars or Hitler.

We stereotype Germany based on stereotypes of Germany. I saw the new Cars movie and I was instantly scarred by the Colonel Klinck-ish monacle and dreadfully fake accent. And the german car was a rust bucket who loved gas. Two things are wrong with that: Germany is a land of BMW's, Audis, Opels, uber fast trains, and epic engineering. Secondly, Germany is a ridiculously green country. We Americans are the outdated clunkers who should feel like we're being passed by.

Getting a global perspective is refreshing. Each country has its flaws and its achievements. Every culture is worth exploring.

1 comment:

  1. You get a facebook? I sounds kinda technology-esk and we both know that's not exactly your strong point. Hahaha. That, and the fact that, as per our agreement, if you get a Facebook, then I have to get one too. But you know, if you want to get one, go ahead. We can both hop on the bandwagon fashionably late.

    Is it bad that I'm excited for Lisa to come too, despite the fact that we don't even really know eachother?

    I also totally agree with what you said about Germany. It isn't all about Hitler and wars. They have such a rich and beautiful history, and American propaganda makes it so that all we know is the bad stuff. It makes me really mad. Like you said, every culture is worth exploring. Every country has their good and bad times. We shouldn't let stereotypes and propaganda rule our knowledge about them.

    'Kay, I'm done with my rant now. Sorry 'bout that.

    Yummy apple-pie-cookie-things, by the way. Thanks for sharing them!
