Saturday, September 10, 2011

why I write...

I write, obviously, because this class requires it. Outside of class, I write because I feel like it. I feel like writing once in a blue moon whenever I think about something noteworthy. I believe that the freewrite in class the other day was note worthy (or just the highlighted sections), so here it is:

"It's fryday, fryday! (music note) Is a music note considered writing? I suck at freewriting. The freewriting instructions were amazing. I loved how it said "reeling in the line of words", or something like that,because it seems like you are fishing for fish in your subconscious when you write. The ocean of your subconscious. Maybe free writing is like dreaming, where random memories are triggered by other memories, and then they all come to the surface like dominoes in a line, one by one, and some mashed together. That was too many commas, OH NO! I was editing a free write! Shame on me, stupid schooling. Oh, now I don't know how to keep going, it feels stupid talking about nothing. I know, there was an awesome video yesterday that was so funny it made me laugh and cry at the same time. I have to start watching the Daily Show. I was going to say something important here, oh yes, it is annoying that I don't have a telepathic pen that can write my thoughts as I think them because my writing usually can't keep up with my thinking, and then I forget, and then I'm screwed. My wrist cracks every time I twist it. It is wierd, I should have some doctor person look into that."

The highlighted sections are somewhat random, but they fit into my explanation of why I write. I am usually motivated to write when I am daydreaming and I stumble upon some unique thought. I feel like those thoughts should be written down as you think them, because they are easily lost in an ocean of daydreams. The longer you wait to write them down, words start to slip back into your subconscious. I do not write because I feel that I have a unique and insightful voice that everyone should listen to, I write because I think that it's cool when everything flows together. I write because writing helps me learn more about myself.

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